Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Talent Show Information
Practice this Wednesday night at 6pm till ?

Talent Show this Friday night! 6pm to 8pm. April 28th

We have gymnastics, singers, hula hoopers, 
An really cool drum solo. 

I will still accept new entries! Sign up here

Please support our show. $5.00 per person. Family of 4 or more $15.00

This money goes to Relay for Life. The American Cancer Society runs this charity event. 

We will also have the abilty to purchase luminaries at the event. They are $10.00


Spring Testing Proctors 

Volunteer to proctor for the End-of-Year testing. 
You must be 18 years of age or older to volunteer. 
A small training session will be required. Please choose one to attend. 
Friday, April 28 at 9:00am
Friday, April 28 at 2:15pm
A short training will be held the morning of testing if you are unable to attend the above trainings. 

Reading EOG is Monday May 8th
Math EOG is Tuesday May 9th
Science EOG is Wednesday May 10th

K-5 Field Day is Friday May 5th

Last Day of School is Friday May 19th. Early Dismissal 11:45