**Every Monday - Thursday, your child begins math class with Warm Up problems. After completing these problems everyday, we go over them. On Friday, a quiz is given with similar problems. I have noticed that some students are beginning to not take these quizzes seriously and their grades are reflecting this. These quizzes have math problems that are correlated to the 5th grade curriculum. They are given to help students have a constant review of all standards all year. Please review these problems daily with your child. Part of their math homework is to take their math notebook home and look over their warm up problems.**
Yellow Group -- Working on Dividing Decimals. This includes decimals in both the dividend and the divisor. We have worked with decimals in adding, subtracting, and multiplying. Will be finishing up and moving into Fractions.
Blue Group -- Working on Whole Number Division. This includes dividing with one and two digit divisors. When we're finished with division, we're going to Order of Operations and then Decimals.
Red Group -- We just finished adding and subtracting decimals. We're now going to begin multiplying with decimals and then dividing with decimals. Those two will keep us busy until Christmas break. In January, we'll begin working with Fractions.
Important Dates to Remember:
- December 8th ~ Winter Concert 6:00 in Neuse Charter Gym
- December 20th ~ Early Release 11:45am
- December 21st - January 6th ~ Christmas Break
- January 12th ~ Science Fair
- January 13th ~ Report Cards go home
- January 16th ~ Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
- January 20th ~ Awards Assembly
Thank-you so much for a wonderful first half of the school year! We have collected over $1350.00 worth of box tops so far. During Dec. and Jan. we will be having our second annual Elementary Box Tops Snowball Fight. For every 25 box tops, whether on a collection sheet or in a bag, your class will receive a "paper" snowball to throw at the classroom “directly” across the hall. Because the first graders do not have a room across the hall, the class with the most collected will win. The winner from each pair of classrooms will win a pajama day! Bring your sheet in by Dec. 14th and receive a Howell movie coupon. The elementary class that collects the most overall during the contest will also have hot chocolate and cookies on their pajama day. So start collecting now and remember to ask grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles for all their box tops over the holidays and we'll see you next year.
Getting Over Your Fear and Anxiety of Mathematics Parent Night
Math does not have to be intimidating or boring. Guest speaker, Dr. Maria Droujkova of naturalmath.com will be joining us on Tuesday, December 13th for a K-12 interactive and engaging session on how parents can make mathematics more joyful for both themselves and their children.
She will speak about steps to take to address your worries and how to make the learning experience fun for everyone. This session is intended for parents and will include a hands on activity followed by Q&A. Books will be available for sale at the event.
Students will be entertained via board games and non-electronic activities. Pre-registration for this event is requested as capacity is limited. You can sign up at: Unplugged - Get Over It!
PTO meeting will proceed the presentation.